Your CARRIER status

MomCare / NIPT




Advanced BLOOD testing

"If you want a healthy life
you need to prepare for it.
It will never be handed to you. You need to be proactive."
Learn what You Should

You will need to calculate your genetic risks and align them to known family history.
Whoever ignores history is doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
This is highly relevant in genetics. People seem to overlook the diabetes in a grandmother or the breast cancer of an aunt, the heart disease of a father and the obesity in a mother.
People do not believe this information is relevant to them or that it concerns them.
Until it is too late.
You need to find out about the conditions that have caused diseases in your parents, siblings and greater family and compare it to the genetic information available to you via a simple saliva based genetic test.

Your genetic profile in 154 genes including all known CANCER types and syndromes. Moreover, heart and metabolic conditions will be explored. All those conditions increase your risk for an EARLY and/or SUDDEN DEATH. Why do people even engage in strenuous exercise, and why do parents allow their children to practice sports when they have absolutely no idea whether they bear genes for heart muscle and great vessel conditions and arrhythmias that predispose for SUDDEN DEATH on the field? It surpasses logic, when it is available and possible to screen for this!

Your CARRIER status
in over 787 genetic conditions will be analyzed so you can avoid passing them over to your future children. Everyone is terrified to have children but why no one acts BEFORE they even try? Praying not to have a child born with a deformity does not make the risk go away. Testing for it does.

MomCare / NIPT
This is a blood test from the blood of a future mother before she plans for a pregnancy that will tell us her GENETIC risks for MISCARRIAGE and RECURRENT pregnancy loss, her need of intensive folic acid replacement, obstetric complications with preeclampsia and thromboembolism, type 2 diabetes and preterm birth.
EVERYTHING that is needed for the obstetrician to plan ahead and reduce complications to mother and child will be explored through this test.
NIPT can detect DNA from her growing fetus as early as pregnancy week 10, and will define the risks for Down Syndrome and a growing number of other abnormalities. If you wish, you will know the sex of your future child.

How your genes affect your response to different medications will be outlined in painstakingly detail in the PHARMAFit test. Recreational drugs are included. This does not infer we condone their use at any circumstances. Never accept a drug treatment not aligned to your genetic profile. You deserve a drug treatment that is safe, effective, precise, personal, predictive and preventive by a Doctor that is knowledgeable in pharmacogenetics. A great test to see if it is time to change doctors and hospitals. Whoever denies the necessity of personalized genetics is aiming to deceive you.

Nutritional, hormonal, and exercise genetic information will be available so you can plan your future Lifestyle. Your REAL limits are set by your biological and genetic makeup. Your PERCEIVED limits are set by your Mind that always tries to trick you into being mediocre as it costs less on any level. ACTIONABLE information about your nutritional and exercise profile will reveal your true self. How you respond to nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, fats, carbohydrates, and protein will enlighten you and allow informed choices. Stop the guesswork and become serious about your future lifestyle choices. The test can help you to lay down informed plans on health, fertility, and exercise. You will learn about nutrient metabolism, food intolerance and sensitivities, cardiometabolic health, weight management and body composition, hormonal profile and fertility, hunger and eating habits and finally, sleep, exercise physiology, fitness, and injury risk.

What is Your BIOLOGICAL Age?
Your Methylation Status tells how effectively your body controls genes that can lead to premature aging and disease. That along with telomere length, controls your Epigenetic Clock that tells your Real Biological Age.
Contrary to what the internet pseudo-medical crooks want You to believe, there is NO way to increase telomere length, only cancer can do that, and You do not want cancer!
Together, we can devise strategies to mitigate the rate of shortening of Your telomeres and ensure that Your lifestyle is on the right track. As I have said earlier, time is the only judge and Your telomeres bear all the proofs of the past.

Advanced BLOOD testing
Regular BLOOD testing will also reveal the current damage caused by your current lifestyle.We will look at your Circulating Stem Cell (CD34+) levels, a marker inferior only to VO2Max, and at your Immune System (NK types and levels) to evaluate your overall Health.
When compared to your genetic risks, you will be possible to IDENTIFY potential problems, DEFINE a REFERENCE point and COMMIT to a START.

All those results are ACTIONABLE.
It means you will be able to make informed health decisions that will impact your chance of future health.

Advanced BLOOD testing


Knowledge is indestructible and your only defense. Any process that perpetuates ignorance is a premeditated effort to deceive you.

Your CARRIER status

MomCare / NIPT